Sometimes when we experience or encounter things that are different than our normal or our culture we often choose words that are unintentionally hurtful; while believing we’re merely being curious. As an adoptive momma I’ve been on the receiving end of that conversation more often than I’d like to admit. The receiving end of words […]

October 11, 2019

Adoption Questions That Hurt

Before we entered into the world of foster care we went into the process with the mindset that if a child were to enter our home, we would NEVER give up on them.  We would never waive a white flag in surrender because things got too hard.  We spent time in prayer before saying yes […]

June 17, 2019

White Flag

Growing up and being obedient wasn’t an option in our household.  We obeyed because it was expected.  My parent’s demanded obedience and respect because they desired to raise children that respected authority and to raise children that would one day be great contributors to society.  I grew up in a home where you obeyed or […]

May 22, 2019

Trauma and the Brain

I can still remember squirming in the hospital bed trying to get comfortable.  I held our day old baby girl in my right arm as my husband helped our 15 month-old foster son crawl into my lap.  I vividly remember the moment. I looked to my right arm at the brand new baby that I […]

April 17, 2019

AS FEATURED ON: Love What Matters

I was midway thorough my morning coffee.  The dog was barking, the kids were screaming and so were the dishes from my kitchen sink.  Though the day had just begun I was already tired.  My heart wasn’t one full of gratitude for the day.  My phone rang as I threw back another sip of coffee […]

April 3, 2019

saying no is hard

The summer prior to my senior year of college I spent a few months abroad in Zambia.  I went alone and met up with established missionaries serving there.  I had this overwhelming desire to love and serve on kids living in orphanages.  It was in Zambia that I knew this trip was going to drastically […]

March 23, 2019

Our Yes

I had one baby strapped to my chest. My oldest was grabbing handfuls of coffee cup stoppers from the Starbucks barista bar and my toddler was crying because she got a grande water and not a tall one. The judgmental glances were so strong I could feel myself panicking. If I had a quarter for […]

March 4, 2019

Hot Mess Motherhood

After we finalized our sons adoption this past December and after spending three years in the foster care realm our social worker asked us, “Will you be keeping your home open for future foster placements or are you planning to close your home?”.  My mind retraced the last three years.  It was full of revolving […]

February 18, 2019

Counting the Cost

I’ll never forget the way the her questions echoed fear in my new mamma heart, “But what about your biological baby?  What if all of this is too stressful on your pregnancy? What if you can’t give her the love and attention that she needs because you have other children in your home?  What if […]

February 13, 2019

Debunking Conventional Motherhood

First of all, if you’re reading this blog post, thank you.  Thank you for your heart and thank you for being willing to serve foster families.  When we first started foster care I didn’t know how to ask for help.  I didn’t even know what I needed.  We were so overwhelmed adjusting to the newness […]

February 9, 2019

9 Ways to Support Foster Families






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iowa city, iowa